考研复试英语(考研复试英语差会被淘汰吗) _会计考研

考研复试英语(考研复试英语差会被淘汰吗) _会计考研



1.Please tell me your strengths and weaknesses ?

2.Please talk about your future plan after graduation

3.If failed to admit this, if failed what plan is there ?

4.What do you like to do in your spare time ?

5.Why do I like reading books?

6.What is your favorite sport ?

7.Please tell me something about your hometown.

8.Tell me what you think of your undergraduate university

9.Talk about the understanding of Shanxi Taiyuan

10.Why do you choose to take the postgraduate entrance exam?

11.What's your plan after graduate school

12.Introduce your family.

13.what do you do during the spring festival?

14.what impressed you most when you were at university ?

15.why did you choose our university ?

16.Why take the postgraduate entrance examination?

17.how do you feel about your progress to date ?

18.what has been your greatest accomplishment ?

19.How did you overcome difficulties ?

20.Describe your best friend


考研复试英语(考研复试英语差会被淘汰吗) _会计考研

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